Anthrax in Farm Animals

This time of the year, we receive a lot of calls concerning anthrax infection and vaccination for anthrax. Because this topic is on a lot of people’s mind, I thought it would be helpful to reprint a recent article by Dr. Charles L. Stoltenow, Extension Veterinarian for North Dakota State University. Dr. Stoltenow has written an excellent review of Anthrax and has graciously given Colorado Serum Company permission to reprint this article.
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Contagious Ecthyma

Contagious Ecthyma (also known as Orf, Sore Mouth and Contagious Pustular Dermatitis) is an infectious dermatitis of sheep and goats. Oral (lip) lesions (scabs) are the primary clinical findings at the mucocutaneous junction. Infections can also occur on the coronets, ears, anus, vulva or prepuce. The causative agent is a parapox virus. Man can occasionally become infected if the virus (scab) contacts damaged skin.
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